December 10, 2015

Distributive Property at Work

To start off the class, we began with two Distributive Property videos from Kahn Academy. The first is a review of the work we had completed two weeks ago. I particularly liked the visual concept that is explained in this video to help solidify the idea before we move into something abstract. Click on the link to watch the video.

The students need only watch 1:30 minutes of  the second video. This "clip" does a nice job to explain how distributive property works for examples such as the following:

7(b – 3)                                 12(a + 3)                               5(2 + 3d)

-5(m + 6)                              -7(t – 4)                                 2(y – 6)  

 The students took notes as I modeled notetaking, and controlling the video with "start," "pause," and "replay" to getting the most of the given information.

 Go to these two blogs from last year for examples with algebra tile manipulatives.
BLOG 1                                                                       BLOG 2