December 19, 2016

Hershey's Lab

This post is the same for December 19-21

The lesson began with a simulation letter from the Hershey's Company. Our math classes have been "requested" to assist with a distribution issue.
Check your email for a better copy.

The lab sheet that students were given with instructions:
Select the link below for a better copy.

By Wednesday, students will need to complete the following:
1. Complete lab sheet with kisses count, percents, and degrees.
2. Create a hand made circle (pie) graph that is neatly labeled, accurate, and decorated for the season.
3. Write a letter to Hershey to advise the company of their next steps.  At the bottom of the letter, include your created pie graph from Google Sheets that is labeled and color coordinated. Submit to Mrs. Warren via form.

HOMEWORK:   Monday Night -- None, but be ready to work in class on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Tuesday Night -- Nothing new, but be ready to work and finish your Hershey's Lab in class on Wednesday.

Wednesday Night -- Nothing, except if you did not finish your Hershey’s Lab in class on Wednesday. It is due before advisory on THURSDAY.

December 15, 2016

Using Pythagorean Theorem & Solving Problems

Review from yesterday's notes:

Notes and practice items from today's class:

Some cool tools to investigate on your own!


December 14, 2016

Proving Pythagorean Theorem

We first began class with reviewing the construction exploratory activity from yesterday and looked at two methods that proves Pythagorean Theory.

Two examples were shared with students and the students have two examples to work out for practice.
HOMEWORK:  Complete #’s 4 and 5 in your MTN.

December 13, 2016

Giant Cookie Conclusion & Intro to Pythagorean Theorem

Which piece from the Giant Cookie would you prefer?

22 Pieces

22 Pieces

Then we completed questions 4-6, and shared all our outer circle and inner circle ratios. Students discovered an mazing result and made a surprising connection to another irrational number.  One class' sample:

Our next activity begins work with Pythagorean Theorem (working with square numbers and square roots). We begin with an exploratory activity of constructing right triangles. We will continue with this work tomorrow.



December 9, 2016

Giant Cookie Dilemma -- Near Conclusion

Homework Review (of non-perfect square roots):

Continued work on the Giant Cookie Dilemma (should have your chart finished by Monday):

HOMEWORK;  None, except for the above chart.

December 8, 2016

Giant Cookie Dilemma -- Day 2

We continued with our discoveries with how to evenly divide a giant cookie (see Tuesday's blog post). The photo on the left is a combination of  notes/brainstorming ideas from all 3 math classes. The photo on the right is a representation of a circle that has been evenly divided into 22 pieces.

More investigations and proportional reasoning will be viewed/solved in tomorrow's class.


  • Bayle & Shaw Groups -- find the approximation to √118 and/or  √54. This is more practice and due Friday, 12/9.

  • NONE for  Roberts Group.

December 6, 2016

Giant Cookie Dilemma -- Day 1

The Roberts Group's, MTN's were returned to students. The Bayle and Shaw Groups' MTN's were collected from students today. We were able to finalize the conclusion to "Finding Pi," but will be applying the knowledge to our next activity.

The Roberts Group also received their corrected Crow paragraphs, graphs, and rubrics. Information about how to improve individuals' technical writing pieces was also demonstrated. Students have until Christmas to resubmit their Crow writing. (Bayle and Shaw Groups will receive this information on Thursday.)

The general overview was shared with the students for our next activity, "Giant Cookie Dilemma."

Along with the premise, students received three sheets to tape into their MTN's.  Sheet #1:


  • Roberts -- find the approximation to √118 and/or  √54. This is more practice and due Thursday, 12/8.

  • NONE for  Bayle and Shaw since MTN’s were collected Tuesday and will be returned on Thursday, 12/8.

December 5, 2016

The Last Word on Pi (for now)

Student groups finished their work on the activity "Finding Pi."  Then we looked at how to express the exact(=) answer, the approximate(~) answer, and the fractional(~) answer.

The fraction that is most commonly associated/used for pi: ²²/.

More practice time was allotted to finding the approximation for non-perfect squares. Today's example was: √118 and/or  54.

HOMEWORKNONE -- MTN's for Roberts were collected today and MTN's  Bayle/Shaw groups will be collected tomorrow.

December 1, 2016

Finding Pi -- Day 2

Students continued with their work from yesterday. Here is the link for the worksheets that students were using as guides to the investigations and the questions that needed to be answered:  Finding Pi

Due to students needing more time, I will be collecting MTN's next week.  Monday = Roberts Group and Tuesday = Bayle & Shaw Groups.

Interesting side reading if you have some time: Brief History of Pi

HOMEWORK:  None for tonight and through the weekend.  HOWEVER......If you have extra time, read the brief history of Pi (see above link).