February 23, 2017

Math Lab Week -- Day 4

Work at the stations for the 6 math labs has continued. We will be continuing with the labs on Tuesday and Wednesday after vacation. (Monday is Immersion Day, thus there will not be "math class.")  On Thursday, we will all be testing the Engineer/Design Prototypes -- Test #2.

Since tomorrow is hiking day -- have a safe and restful vacation. See you on March 5 -- Mr. Viens' birthday!


  • Work on modifications to your Engineer/Design Prototype. Finished for class by Wednesday, March 8.

February 22, 2017

Math Lab Week -- Day 3

Photos of student working today:



  • Work on modifications to your Engineer/Design Prototype. Finished for class by Wednesday, March 8.

February 21, 2017

NEML Contest

The annual New England Mathematics League Contest was administered to students throughout our school today. It can only be administered on Tuesday, February 21 (or Tuesday, February 28) throughout the New England region. Students are given 30 minutes to answer 35 questions. Results will be shared in June.
We will return to Math Labs tomorrow. Due to all the shortened schedules and lost days, we will continue the labs the week after February vacation to allow students ample opportunity to complete the labs well.

  • Work on modifications to your Engineer/Design Prototype. Finished for class by Wednesday, March 8.

February 20, 2017

Math Lab Week -- Day 2

Class Photos of students working today:

Mathy Valentine was also added to the stations:

HOMEWORK:  Work on modifications to your Engineer/Design Prototype. Finished for class by Thursday of this week.

February 16, 2017

Math Lab Week -- Day 1

Welcome to an exciting week of math labs/stations! This is a first for me.  Conducting 6 different labs all running at the same time. It has been well received by the students, has required much prep work by me, but promises for some authentic work and assessments. I'm sure I will meet some glitches/errors that will require some rethinking, but I believe it is good for students to witness adults problem solve during the day.

My plan is to post work photos daily as the week progresses. Today, I am posting the lab sheets that students have to record conjectures, data, surprising information, and answer questions. Each student is assigned a personal role with descriptor. The roles include: Team Leader, Recorder, Time Keeper, and Materials Manager. Also, all participant have a set of criteria to follow while working in the group. I will meet with each Team Leader at the start of the block for "News Alerts" and at the end of the block for "Brief Updates."  Stayed Tuned!


February 15, 2017

Finalize Scientific Notation & LAB WEEK OVERVIEW

Notes from today's problems:

Students gave feedback for role choices during Lab Week, which begins tomorrow!

HOMEWORK:  If you have not yet brought in your prototype:
  • Bring your Engineer/Design Prototype to math by tomorrow.

February 14, 2017

Multiply and Divide Scientific Notation - Day 2

Today's Notes:

I also began an explanation about Math Lab Week. More information will be forthcoming on the blog once we get started.


  • Bring your Engineer/Design Prototype to math by tomorrow.

February 8, 2017

Multiply and Divide Scientific Notation - Day 1

After reviewing the solutions to the integers problems, we began multiplying and dividing scientific notations. Due to short classes from delayed opening, we will complete this lesson on Thursday.

Next week we will have math lab station week. One of the stations will involve testing the blizzard bag engineer and design product. More information will be shared next week.

  • None for tonight, except if you have any make-up work. Roberts Group has 2 examples to complete in MTN.

February 6, 2017

More P-N Integers and Negative Bases


Practice Sheets:

HOMEWORK:  None for tonight, except if you have IXL make-up.

February 2, 2017

Flipping Integers and Absolute Value

Students were given time to complete the game, Flipping Integers. (Homework check was done on-line prior to class since it was digital on IXL).

Quick notes for Absolute Value:

HOMEWORK IXL:  7th - Level I, Skill B.4   8th - Level J, Skill B.3.

February 1, 2017

Flipping for Integers

Moving forward from our introductory lesson of yesterday; students practiced their ability to manipulate integers.

Here are the game procedures and rules:
Flipping for Integers

This is a two-player game that involves some luck and some strategy. The object of this game is to have a higher sum than your opponent at the end of the game.  
1.      One Game Card per player
2.      A penny for each student
3.      A 6-sided die and an 20-sided die for each pair of student (optional 10-sided die)

Each player will take turns for a total of 10 turns to play one game. In a turn:
·        Flip the coin and roll the die.
·        The number rolled is used by the player in that turn.
·        If the coin is HEADS, then the number is POSITIVE.
·        If the coin is TAILS, then the number will be NEGATIVE.
·        The player writes the signed number in any blank on the data sheet that he or she chooses and evaluates the expression created in that row and writes the value in the third column.
 EXAMPLE: A student rolls a tail and a five, then that student has to put -5 somewhere.  
After each player has had 10 turns, they should check their arithmetic for each of the 10 sums they generated by rolling the die (and flipping the coin).
Whoever has the highest sum wins.
 ·        At the end of the playing period (Thursday's class), I will roll the 10-sided die twice. The two numbers facing up will be highlighted by the students on their game cards. Those two line items will be corrected and used to evaluate for accuracy. Since no one knows which numbers that will be, it is in the students' best interest that all answers are correct.  (Calculators are not allowed for this game.)


  • IXL: Level H, Skill N.5 and N.6 for all; PLUS….. N.7 (10 mins.) for Pre-algebra.