November 6, 2014

Properties of Math

 Here are the mathematical definitions for our first seven properties:

Additive Identity
It stays the same or is balanced

9 + 0 = 9
Additive identity is 0.
Latin: Identitatem
sameness; oneness
The sum of any number and zero is the original number; zero preserves the identity of a number.
Multiplicative Identity
It stays the same or is balanced

9 x 1 = 9
Multiplicative identity is 1.
Latin: Identitatem
sameness; oneness
The product of any number and one is that number; one preserves the identity of a number.
Additive Inverse
You undo or go backwards/reverse

9 + (-9) = 0
Additive Inverse is -n
Latin: Invertere
turn upside down; turn about     
The additive inverse of a number is to reverse the sign in order to acquire zero.
Associative (Addition or Multiplication)
You connect with different “groups”.

(5 + 15) + 4 = 5 + (15 + 4)
(2 x 3) x 4 = 2 x (3 x 4)

Latin: associare
allied, connected, paired, gathering, grouping
The sum or product are the same regardless the order in which addends or factors are grouped.
Commutative (Addition or Multiplication)
You can organize
or “order” in any way
and get the same answer.

5 + 4 + 3 = 4 + 3 + 5
15 x 2 x 1 = 1 x 15 x 2
Latin: commutare
to change together,
to order
The sum or product are the same regardless the order in which addends or factors are arranged.
Distributive (Addition or Multiplication)
You can deal
out or share some-
thing with friends.

5 x (7 + 8) = 5 x 7 + 5 x 8
Latin: Distributes
to deal out; apportion; separate; share
The operations of multiplica-tion and addition or multipli-cation and subtraction; multi-plying each term inside the parentheses with the term outside of the parentheses
Multiplicative Inverse

You undo or go backwards/reverse
8 x '/₈ = 1
Multiplicative Inverse is '/n  
Latin: Invertere
turn upside down; turn about
The multiplicative inverse of a number is 1/n or to reverse the sign in order to acquire one.

Homework for over the loooooong weekend is to read over this page from a math book. I have instructed the students to take a look at two examples as to how to use the Distributive Property. Then they are to TRY the three examples under the first example and solve the one problem under the second example.
Have a great weekend and Happy Conferencing!