October 22, 2014

Positive and Negative Integers

Individuals conceptualize positive and negative integers in different ways.  Today we investigated 3 possibilities.  The first is a number line or thermometer.  Take the example of 10 + (-5). The number line method suggests to start a 10 and pull back or drop down 5 steps or degrees. In either case, you stop at 5.  Another way to think about it is looking at the absolute values. Again, our example of10 + (-5)  =  /10/ + /5/, find the difference, which is 5, then ask - which integer (+ or -) has the higher value; in this case (10) is positive. Thus the difference; 5, and is positive. Finally, look at the values as positive and negative charges. Yes, using 10 + (-5):
Pictorial representation

An important concept is: n + (-n) = 0.  With n = any number.

A example given to the students was -25 - (-25).  We've all learned the "trick" is to rewrite the expression as -25 + 25.  Then the question was asked -- Why?  What is happening? What real life example could represent this expression?  After sharing possibilities and extended discussion, students were able to deduce that -25 - (-25) is indicating that (-25) is "taken away."  Pretty good.  Ask your child about the real life example(s).
Whole Class Practice Example: notice the steps.

Homework due tomorrow, 10/23/14