February 18, 2015

Test 5

Students completed math test 5 -- fractions, prime factorization and divisibility. MTN's were also collected and will be returned on Thursday.

Update on NEML Contest:  Correction from yesterday's blog post:  June is when students will receive recognition at our all school assembly for the 5 highest scoring 7th graders and the 5 highest scoring 8th graders (usually scoring 20+).  According to test developers, students who receive a score of at least 14 points should be commended. Five students from the Vista Team scored 14 and higher: Alex A., Korbin T., James G., James H., and Derek ME. In communicating with other math teachers in the building, all were in agreement that this year's test was much more difficult than in the past. Congratulations goes to all students in participating in this test.