December 8, 2014

Working with Percent Increase/Decrease

First, a homework check was conduct (assignment from Thursday) and then reviewed the showing of work on the last five examples from "Match It and Prove It". SADLY, Only 8 out of 51 students have both parts of the assignment finished. We had a huge team meeting about this poor response since the lack of completed and returned homework is a systemic problem in every class. In math, both assignments will be checked again tomorrow.

I announced that Test 4 will take place on Tuesday, December 16 and the Retake will be on Thursday, December 18.  My hope is to also conduct at least one (hopefully two) math labs between now and before our departure for the Holiday Break.

Our time for the week will be spent on "Working with Percent Increases and Decreases".  Written and pictorial notes are in student MTN's. This is a picture of the skeleton which we began in class today.
"N" refers to the "New number; "O" refers to the "Original number.