November 14, 2016

The Crow & the Pitcher -- Day 1

On Thursday, prior to student-led conferences, students were introduced to our new activity. First, students listened to Aesop's Fable, "The Crow and the Pitcher." The moral of this fable can be expresses as: "Little by little does the trick." or "Where there's a will, there's a way." The overview of the activity was explained to the students. Each student recorded his/her prediction as to how many marbles it will take to cause the water level, in a graduated cylinder, to to rise from 80 mL to 100 mL.
After the lab and collecting of data was completed, students answered a series of questions in their partner groups. They were also allowed to consult with their table mates. Students are required to construct a graph on Desmos Calculator Account.

Homework:  Be sure that all questions are answered thoughtfully and you have shared your graph with Mrs. Warren from Desmos.