Polya's Problem Solving Strategy

As a professor at Berkley in 1945, Hungarian mathematician George Polya, published a book, How to Solve It. In his book, he outlined the following problem solving strategy techniques for mathematicians. Today, these same techniques are universally applied across all disciplines whenever a situation or problem is presented.

Problem Solving Strategy

First: Understand the problem. Read and reread the problem. Highlight the key words.
 What does the problem ask you to find? (This is the unknown.)
 What data does the problem give you?
 What are the requirements or conditions?
⇒Hint: Draw a figure or picture. Make a table or model.
⇒Hint: Introduce helpful symbols.

Second: Make a plan. Have you solved other problems like this one before?
 What steps will you take to get from the data to the unknown?
 Does your plan use all of the important data?
⇒Stuck? Tactic: Is there a similar problem which is simpler?
⇒Stuck? Tactic: Could you solve part of the problem?
⇒Stuck? Tactic: Could you restate the problem?
⇒Stuck? Tactic: Would other data help you find the unknown?
⇒Stuck? Tactics: Use one of the following methods: look for a pattern, work backwards, guess and check (or trial and error), make an orderly list, draw a picture or use a model, eliminate possibilities, solve a simpler problem, use direct reasoning (or logical deduction), use a formula, solve an equation -OR- be ingenious and creative!

Third: Carry out your plan.
 Check each step.
 Can you see clearly that the step is correct?

Fourth: Look back. Reread the problem.
 Did you answer the question that was asked?
 Was more than one question asked?
 Is your answer reasonable?
 Can you check the result? Can you think of an easier way to solve the problem?

Source: Adapted from Princeton University Press: G. Polya, “How to Solve It”, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1957, For details check: http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/669.html