After checking completed homework, students were instructed to draw a line across the page under their work. As an individual student shared her/his thinking and work, the remaining students copied the ideas in their MTN with a different colored writing utensil. At the end of each class, I collected all MTN's in order to determine "Practices improved skills," one of the Work Ethic Process Grades. While I have students' MTN's I will also be evaluating another process grade: "Demonstrates perseverance to meet task requirements, AND two Math Practice Grades: "Makes sense of problems & persevere in solving them." AND "Model math by applying math to solve problems." The final component that I will be examining is students' understanding of "squared" and "square root".
I also had each student create an account for Desmos Graphing Calculator. We were able to enter one expression and I suggested to students to "play" with other possibilities. Desmos Screenshot
HW: There is not homework tonight (and will not be any assigned work till we return on Monday, 9/26).