We began our year with setting up our math composition books, which will be referred to as MTN's (Math Thinking Notebooks). Table of Contents (TOC) pages were set aside and labeled. Each day, I begin class with the date and title of the day's activity. Then, students were given Polya's Problem Solving Strategies that you can reference as a page tab near the top of this blog. Students were also given a list of possible plan ideas for math problem solving. Both sheets have been taped on the inside cover of their MTN's for easy reference. We spent a good deal of time processing how to use these strategies.
Then I introduced Week of Inspirational Math -- Year 2 from Dr. Jo Boaler of Stanford University. Over the next 5 days, students will be involved in problem solving situations in order for them to understand that math can be seen in many different and creative ways. Students who took part in these activities last year spoke highly of that time, and I also observed how students referred to these days as the basis for persevering some difficult problems during the entire school year. At the end of the five days, students will complete a survey and I will invite parents to complete the survey, if so desired.