December 6, 2016

Giant Cookie Dilemma -- Day 1

The Roberts Group's, MTN's were returned to students. The Bayle and Shaw Groups' MTN's were collected from students today. We were able to finalize the conclusion to "Finding Pi," but will be applying the knowledge to our next activity.

The Roberts Group also received their corrected Crow paragraphs, graphs, and rubrics. Information about how to improve individuals' technical writing pieces was also demonstrated. Students have until Christmas to resubmit their Crow writing. (Bayle and Shaw Groups will receive this information on Thursday.)

The general overview was shared with the students for our next activity, "Giant Cookie Dilemma."

Along with the premise, students received three sheets to tape into their MTN's.  Sheet #1:


  • Roberts -- find the approximation to √118 and/or  √54. This is more practice and due Thursday, 12/8.

  • NONE for  Bayle and Shaw since MTN’s were collected Tuesday and will be returned on Thursday, 12/8.