May 25, 2017

Function Check

After a review of last night's homework, students were given a quick skill check.

HOMEWORK:    NONE -- except IF.......
  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes, etc.) AND the Final Draft to your Coast to Coast Project IF you did not submit it on Tuesday.

May 24, 2017

Function Practice -- Just a Bit More

This is the practice work we completed today:

  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes, etc.) AND the Final Draft to your Coast to Coast Project IF you did not submit it on Tuesday.
  • Complete the yellow Function Table Practice in MTN.

May 23, 2017

Coast to Coast - Final Drafts

This post is for May 22 - 23:

Last day to work on Coast to Coast Projects in school was May 22, but was extended to May 23.  Due to rehearsal practice for the Rock Concert, 80% of the students were not in math class on May 23rd. Thus, last minute touches were allowed since beginning a new unit today would not have been conducive for the entire Vista student body.

Based on students' comments and work products, this was a well liked project and a lot of learning took place. Encouraging students to apply equation and function knowledge was an important aspect with deeper understanding in math. For the most part, students did quite well on their final products.


  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes, etc.) AND the Final Draft to your Coast to Coast Project IF you did not submit it today.

May 16, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Update

This post is for May 16 - 18:

Due to NECAP or NWEA Testing, all classes were shorter in time on Tuesday and Thursday.

Due to our "Delayed Opening" on Wednesday, all classes were shortened to 30 minutes each. The team decided to utilize our two hours of core time to allow the students response time to the required District Writing Prompt.

NONE --- EXCEPT if you have not yet completed the following:

  • Research for Individual Project.  First Draft was due Tuesday, 5/16/17. Final draft will be due Tuesday, 5/23/17.
  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes, etc.).

May 15, 2017

Coast to coast -- 1st Drafts

Today was "submit" day for students' first drafts.

Use the link in order to submit all digital drafts.  FORM LINK

Photos of students working:





  • Research for Individual Project.  First Draft is due (extended) to Tuesday, 5/16/17
  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes).
I’m looking forward to reading and reviewing your drafts.

May 10, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Research Session

This post is for 5/10/17 & 5/11/17

With the use of Chromebooks, student finalized their group/individual planning sheets. Then they all moved to continuing their research for the Coast to Coast Project.

The first draft of projects (i.e. data tables, costs to: trains/car rental/gasoline/3 hotels at each stop, schedules, maps,  powerpoint, photos, landmark descriptions, etc.) is due Monday, 5/15.

Final draft will be due Monday, 5/22.

  • Research for Individual Project.  First Draft is due Monday, 5/15/17
  • Work on getting any missing work (i.e. Article Readings/Notes).

May 9, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Planning Sheet Submission

Students filled out Group Planning Sheets that confirmed group and individual responsibilities:

The remainder of the short class time was devoted to review product rubrics and create lists of what research is still needed for the Coast to Coast Project.


  • Nothing new -- work on getting any missing work turned in soon.
  • Get good rest tonight and eat a good breakfast tomorrow morning.

May 8, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Work Day

A homework check was conducted for notes from the two articles. Students with with completed homework were allowed to move onto their researching of train routes and landmarks. Students with incomplete homework were required to complete the readings and notes.

Drafts to the product rubrics were shared with students. Feedback and suggestions were accepted from the students. Final copies will be given to students tomorrow.


  • Choose the type of individual product you will complete: 1) Design a Historical Landmark Powerpoint, 2) Construct a Trip Map, or 3) Plan a Trip Itinerary.
  • Get good rest tonight and eat a good breakfast tomorrow morning.

May 4, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Essential Questions, Videos & Background Articles

You may ask -- why?  Why are we doing this?  What does this have to do with math?  Well, a lot actually. BUT first, let me introduce you to my son, Camden Warren, and pay particular attention to his quote in the linked article. Then continue with the rest of the post.

Proud mom? Yes. But his statement about past events truly does help us all (everyday people, government officials, etc.) to understand how to move forward in today's world. THUS you now have an opportunity to learn a bit more of our incredible nation, her past, and learning/remembering the great sacrifices that our ancestors gifted us for today and in the future. (AND do a bit of math in the process.)

  • How can expressions, equations, and inequalities be used to quantify, solve, model, and/or analyze mathematical situations?
  • Why is time and space important for the study of history?
  • What means are available to consumers for obtaining goods and services that meet their needs?

1. Riding an Amtrak Train Cross-country
2. Travelling by Train in the United States

1.  MSI's Train Guy
2.  The Virginia State Capitol Building

AMTRAK SYSTEM MAP (Effective March 2017)

HOMEWORK:  Read both articles from above and take notes in your MTN. Complete by Monday, 5/8/17.

May 3, 2017

Coast to Coast -- Introduction

We will be working on this performance task until May 15th (approximately).  

You are a travel agent specializing in trips to historic sites. You have been contacted by a family of four who needs your help. They are thinking about a coast-to-coast vacation from Baltimore, MD to Los Angeles, CA. They want to travel by train and would like to visit at least four National Historic Landmarks between these two locations during their trip. They are willing to stop along the way and rent a car to get to these landmarks. Depending on the distance from the train stations, the family may need to stay in a hotel. To assist in planning the lengthy trip, you are to construct two products. The first is required and the second product is a choice from three possibilities.  See the list that follows:

1. REQUIRED PRODUCT (work as a group to complete):  Create a chart of the train, hotel and gas expenses the family will encounter. Use to determine the cost of the trains the family will use. The family plans on renting a 2013 midsize SUV when they need a vehicle. Determine the amount of gas that they will need, as well as the amount of money they will need to spend on gas. Remember that different areas have varying gas prices, so use the website to determine the approximate gas price for the places where they will be filling their tank.


A. Research different National Historic Landmarks that would be generally along the route from Baltimore to Los Angeles that the family can visit. The following websites may be helpful:  -OR-   photos  -OR-  historic landmarks.  The family would like to visit different types of landmarks, so be sure to pick four that reflect different events or time periods. Create a multimedia presentation highlighting the importance of these four landmarks. Be sure to include the historical significance and geographical locations and significance of the landmarks.

B. Create a map of the course that the family will take on their trip. Include the National Historic Landmarks they will visit as well as the hotels they will stop in along the way. You can use to help with routes, distances, and time as well as to determine the location of any hotels needed.

C. Create an electronic trip itinerary (chart, powerpoint, etc.) to present to the family of the intended trip. Include summary of each National Historic Landmark, the map of the train route, the roads that will be traveled from the train stops, distances, time, and gas and hotel expenses. This should all be connected with a calendar so the family knows where they should be when.

TOMORROW I will share essential and guiding questions, class videos, and research articles.

HOMEWORK:  In your MTN, write a list of at least 10 possible historic landmarks that you want to consider for the Coast to Coast Performance Project.

May 2, 2017


Students were given today to complete their "T-shirt" performance task which we had begun before our April vacation. Tomorrow we will begin a new performance task titled "Coast to Coast."