April 21, 2016

Formulas -- Wrap-up

Notes and practice items from today's class:

HOMEWORK: None for tonight or during vacation.

April 20, 2016

Formulas: P, A, V -- Day 2

Updated notes on formulas:


April 18, 2016

Formulas: Perimeter, Area, & Volume -- Day 1

Record sheets from last week's game, Pythagorean Theorem, were returned to students. The Reflection Questions sheet and Mini-Eval #13 will be returned on Tuesday.

A variation to the game was taught today, which will be used to play tomorrow during class time. A substitute will be in my place. The next posting will be on Wednesday.

Our next task in math is applying the use for formulas that involve finding the perimeter, area, and volume of given shapes and dimensions. We will continue with more notes and practice items on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Notes from today's class:

HOMEWORK:  None for tonight.

April 14, 2016

Mini-Evaluation #13

First, last night's homework was collected. Then I checked MTN's to see if students had made corrections and copied additional notes from the Ladder Problem on Tuesday. Students completed Mini-Eval #13 during class time.

April 13, 2016

Pythagorean Theorem Game

Students played a cool board game reviewing the skills and concepts of Pythagorean Theorem and triangles.
While students were working in groups of four, they were recording their rolls and solutions to Pythagorean Theorem problems. They also had question cards with which to respond at designated times and could use their ChromeBooks to "research" for assistance.

HOMEWORK: Complete the Pythagorean Theorem Game Reflection Questions handout for tomorrow.

April 12, 2016

Pythagorean Wrap-up and Triangle Notes

Discussion from the homework assignment included not just dealing with the given numbers, but considering logical reasoning and what makes sense to the given problem. Always go back to examine whether or not the solution answers the question.

Homework review:

The given sets of triangle lengths were posted and the board, and within their table groups, students needed to determine a Yes - No response to their given set:

Triangle Notes:

HOMEWORK:  None for tonight.

April 11, 2016

Pythagorean Theorem -- Day 2

Homework Review:

Additional Notes and given problems:

From one of the blogs that I followed, a teacher had celebrated Square Root Day. That is when the month and day are the square root of the year -- last Monday, 4/4/16. The question given to the students was, "How many times does this occur within a century?"  Great discussions took place, which is related to our subject at hand.

HOMEWORK: Find the length of the ladder.

April 7, 2016

Pythagorean Theorem

Today's lesson served many purposes: review of squaring, square roots, bases, exponents, solving 1-step equations, and using a formula finding a solution to a problem.

Notes prior to practice:

Practice completed as a whole class:

Practice in groups:
HOMEWORK:  Complete the pink sheets in MTN by Monday.

April 6, 2016

Final Processing of Barbie Project

Today, we processed the successes and failures of the Barbie Bungee Project as well an overview of Mini-Evaluation #12. If students wish to retake the evaluation, s/he needs to see me.

April 4, 2016

Apollo 13

In honor of the engineering and design process, Math and Science classes were combined today (and will be again for tomorrow) in order to watch the movie, Apollo 13. This movie represents the brainstorming and problem solving skills in a time of need.