January 28, 2016

Monty Hall Problem - Poster Work

Many students came to group with ideas that they researched and embellished pieces to add to their posters.

HOMEWORK: None for tonight. You will have 25 minutes to complete your poster on Monday.

January 27, 2016

The Monty Hall Problem

We began our class by visiting a retro game show clip of "Let's Make a Deal" with Monty Hall. This gave the students some background understanding of the former TV personality. Then students were shown another short video clip that set up the problem. Students were then asked to stand up and stand to a designated corner of the room that represented their opinion (3 possible choices). I then separated the students into workable groups to answer their chosen question.

      After revealing a door, you can keep the original choice, or switch to the remaining door.
            1. Is there a higher probability of winning if you stay with the original door?
            2. Is there a higher probability of winning if you switch to the remaining door?
            3. Does it not make a difference; same probability either way?

This poster explains the groups requirements:

HOMEWORK: None for tonight, except group work assignment.

January 26, 2016

Probability Trials - Day 3

Photos of students working:

This is the last day for Data Collection of probability events. Tomorrow, students will be introduced to a problem where they will need to use this background knowledge.  More info in tomorrow's post.

HOMEWORK: Have the Marble paragraph complete for tomorrow.

January 25, 2016

Probability Trials - Day 2

Students continued with the various trials from Friday's explanations.  Team results for the coin flips were shared. Addendum was added to the Spinner trials.

Photos of students involved in their work with partners will be posted tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: Have all Spinner trials and paragraphs written for Coin and Spinner sheets complete for tomorrow's class.

January 22, 2016

Probability Trials

Using the Data Collection sheets, students and their partner needed to complete the given probability trial events and record the results. These results are designed to students you formulate your reasoning, proofs and response to the "BIG" question that will be presented within the next couple of days.

Event 1:  Coin Flip (individual trial and record results on spreadsheet for team results)

Event 2:  Use spinner to construct a 3 sector spinner and compare experimental and theoretical percentages with multiple trials.

 Event 3:  Draw 3 glass marbles from a bag without return to examine dependent results from an event.

HOMEWORK: None for tonight.

January 21, 2016

Retakes and More Probability Notes

First, students wanting to retake Mini-Evaluation #8, were given time to complete the evaluation.

Depending upon where the class (there are 3) ended with yesterday's notes, we picked up from where we left off to complete notes.  There was a lot of discussion and given scenarios. Students are to THINK about the following question for Monday:
     "What has to take place in order for experimental probability to equal/nearly equal to theoretical probability?"

HOMEWORK: None for tonight.

January 20, 2016

Probability Notes

First, we reviewed the items from Mini-Evaluation #8.  RETAKES will be tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: None for tonight.

January 19, 2016

The Great Debaters

The movie, The Great Debaters, was viewed by all Vista students. A drama based on the true story of Melvin B. Tolson, a professor at Wiley College in Texas. In 1935, he inspired students to form a school debate team. Wiley College debate team defeated the reigning national debate champion, the University of Southern California. However, in the movie, the champions were depicted as Harvard University. This is a story that supports the movement toward civil rights.

In order to accommodate for our team special schedule, we did not meet for math class today. We will have a regular schedule for tomorrow.

January 14, 2016

Mini-Evaluation #8

Students were busy with Mini-Evaluation #8.  Retakes, if necessary, can be arranged for next week.

January 13, 2016

Fun with Fractions - Day 3

First, we reviewed last night's homework, Alonzo's Punch. We also wrote some 1-step equations from the chart as another way to complete the chart and compared that to ratios/proportions.

Possible class notes:

Then, we reviewed the steps to adding/subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.

 HOMEWORK: Read over notes 1/5/16 to 1/13/16 for Mini-Evaluation #8 tomorrow.

January 12, 2016

Fun with Fractions - Day 2

First, we finished up with writing and solving equations that involved fractions.

Then, we began looking at converting recipes. The recipes involved the use of fractions and deductive reasoning for determining the various serving sizes.


January 11, 2016

Fun with Fractions and More Equations

First, we reviewed the last two items from Writing Equations for Problems.  Then I presented 2 photos; brownies into thirds and ice cream scoops into sevenths. Students practiced finding a given fraction of a whole group of items. This imagery will help better prepare students' thinking for writing and practicing with equations.

Then students moved into More Practice with Writing Equations:
We will complete these in class tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: None for tonight; except return with MTN.

January 7, 2016

Review of Writing Equations

To accommodate a high school counselor speaking with our 8th graders, the four core classes were slightly  shorter.


HOMEWORK: None for tonight.

January 6, 2016

Writing Equations for Probems

Students discussed their "discoveries" of yesterday's task with writing expressions. Here are the individual class recordings:

The agreed upon answers:

Then students were given problems that required them to work with his/her partner to writing an equation and finding a solution.

HOMEWORK: None for tonight.

January 5, 2016

Writing Equations

In order to accommodate Balloon Project Committee work, our team had shortened core classes.


Practice in class:

HOMEWORK: Finish white sheet in MTN.